Activities of the Fund

Activities of the Fund

The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF) is the central point for collecting and investing extra budgetary resources in the programmes and projects of environmental and nature protection, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources.

In the system of management and control of utilisation of EU structural instruments in Croatia, the Fund performs the function of Intermediate Body level 2, for the specific objectives in the field of environmental protection and sustainability of resources, climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

The activities of the Fund comprise the tasks related to financing of the preparation, implementation and development of programmes and projects and similar tasks in the field of conservation, sustainable use, protection and improvement of the environment, and in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources, and in particular:
  • Expert and other tasks in relation to the collection, management and utilisation of the Fund’s resources,
  • Acts as an intermediary in the matters related to the financing of environmental protection and energy efficiency from foreign funds, international organisations, financial institutions and bodies, as well as national and foreign legal and natural persons,
  •  Maintaining the database of programmes, projects and similar activities in the field of environmental protection and energy efficiency, and of the required and available financial resources for their implementation,
  • Promoting, establishing and carrying out cooperation with international and national financial institutions and other legal and natural persons, for the financing of environmental protection and energy efficiency in accordance with the National Environmental Strategy and the National Environmental Action Plan, the Energy Development Strategy and the Implementation Programme for the Energy Development Strategy, national energy programmes, other programmes and acts in the field of environmental protection and energy efficiency, and international treaties to which the Republic of Croatia is party, for the purposes specified in the provisions of the Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and
  • Other tasks related to promoting and financing environmental protection and energy efficiency that are set out in the Statute of the Fund.