

Collection of EE waste comprises collection, sorting, and temporary storage for the purpose of transport to treatment.
The disposal is completely free of charge for the holder of EE waste. Licensed companies collectors or their authorised collecting subcontractors will take the EE waste from the holder and dispose of it in a safe manner.
The EE waste collector is a legal or natural person-tradesman that, pursuant to the Act on Sustainable Waste Management, holds the licence for EE waste collection. They are obliged to take the entire EE waste from the holder, free of charge and within 20 days from the date of 
The holder of EE waste can dispose of the waste free of charge in the following manner:
  • By calling a toll-free line, by e-mail, SMS, or registration on the web portal, depending on the county/City of Zagreb, category, and type of EE waste (household, registered persons)
  • By returning EE waste to the seller on the “one for one” basis, for the household holder
  • By returning light bulbs to the seller which sells light bulbs, category 3 (halogen, fluorescent, and other types of energy saving light bulbs), for household holders, free of charge and with no obligation to purchase
  • By returning to the seller EE waste with outer dimensions of up to 25 cm, whose store has the selling surface area greater than 400 m2, for household holders free of charge and with no obligation to purchase      
  • By personally disposing of EE waste at the collection centres. The addresses of the collection centres are located in the towns in each county/districts in the City of Zagreb, and you can view the list with contacts here.
  • By personally disposing under collection schemes organised by the lciensed collectors, pursuant to the legal provisions
Note: EE waste is collected by licensed collectors separately from the municipal waste and other types of waste, including bulky waste!