Dealers/Civic amenity sites

Dealers/Civic amenity sites

The holder of waste beverage packaging included in the Deposit Return System can hand this packaging over to the dealer (seller) or civic amenity site manager and is entitled to a refund of the deposit fee per unit of the handed over beverage packaging.
Orders for containers, safety labels and/or safety seals made on the form "Order of containers and safety labels" (Annex I Instructions on the handling of waste packaging in the refund system) are submitted exclusively in .xls format to the e-mail address by the 20th of the month.
Dealers and managers of recycling yards who have a contract with the Fund on the method of refunding the refund fee paid to the holder and payment of the costs of taking over waste packaging from beverages are obliged to submit the following forms:

FORM AO8 (Collector’s certificate of taken waste beverage packaging included in the DRS)
FORM AO9 (Report on taken quantities of waste beverage packaging included in the DRS)