Environmental protection

Environmental protection

Human activities affect the environment: the quality of air, water and soil, the concentration of greenhouse gases that have an impact on climate change and on the quantity of generated waste. Every new product, even ordinary bottles of water we buy, could not be produced without energy and material, and once we have used them or stopped using them, they become waste which has to be separated, recycled or used for cogeneration, and only then, if none of this is possible, safely disposed.

Despite all these challenges, with clearly defined principles and goals, and strong commitment to this cause, long-term preservation of the environment in the Republic of Croatia is possible. The following activities are paramount: protection of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources, improving the environmental management sector, preventing pollution of the environment, integration of the environment into other sectors (tourism, energy, industry, agriculture, forestry, mining, transport), raising awareness and including the public in the decision-making process and implementation of measures, as well as the role of the Fund in the co-financing of environmental protection projects and programmes.

By participating in the education activities and interbranch cooperation in the field of environmental and nature protection and sustainable development, the Fund is attempting to make a significant contribution to raising public awareness about the need to preserve the environment and nature in all aspects of economic and social activity.

Let’s think, create and protect the environment every day of the year!