Fluorinated greenhouse gases are used as a substitute for the substances depleting the ozone layer and, due to their global warming potential, measures are being implemented in order to reduce emissions of these gases and thus mitigate climate change.
Fee for destroying controlled substances and/or fluorinated greenhouse gases
The Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) lays down the handling of substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases, handling of devices and equipment containing such substances or dependants, and handling of these substances after termination of use of devices and equipment containing them, checking for leakage of these substances, the method of collection, recovery, reclamation and destruction of these substances, the amount of the fee for covering collection, reclamation, recovery, and destruction of these substances, the manner of labelling devices and equipment containing such substances or dependants and reporting on these substances.
An entrepreneur who imports/introduces controlled and/or fluorinated greenhouse gases to place them on the market in the Republic of Croatia for own purposes, is liable to pay the fee to cover the costs of collection, reclamation, recovery, and destruction of these substances.
The obligation to pay the fee arises at the moment of importing/introducing controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases to be placed on the market or for own purposes based on a decision adopted by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, bearing on the data sent to the Fund by the Croatian Environmental Agency.