Packaging and packaging waste fee

Packaging and packaging waste fee

The Ordinance on packaging and packaging waste (Official Gazette 88/201578/16116/17,14/20144/20) stipulates that upon placing products on the market in the Republic of Croatia, the producer/importer/introducer shall pay to the Fund the following fees: 
Producer/importer report on the packaging placed on the market int/imported to Croatia:

For the period of import/introduction/production from 1 January 2021
  • Form AO3 – report on the type and quantity of reusable packaging
  • Form AO10 – report on the type and quantity of single-use packaging (shaded fields are not filled out)

For the period of import/introduction/production from 20 August 2015 until 31 December 2020
  • Form AO3 – report on the type and quantity of reusable packaging
  • Form AO10 – report on the type of single-use packaging

For the period of import/introduction/production until 19 August 2015  
  • PRODUCER – Spreadsheet for calculating the disposal fee (Annex I)
  • PRODUCER - Spreadsheet for calculating the disposal fee, deposit fee and incentive (Annex II)
  • EXPORTER – Spreadsheet for calculating the disposal fee (Annex I)
  • EXPORTER – Spreadsheet for calculating the disposal fee, deposit fee and incentive (Annex II)
E-mail for the submission of certified forms: