Računalna i mrežna oprema br.2
General acts of the Fund
- General acts of the Fund
- State aid
- Regulations on fees in the field of environmental and nature protection, energy efficiency, and renewable energy sources
- Regulations in the field of environmental protection and waste management
- Regulations in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Public procurement
- Public procurement
- Conflict of interest statement
- Prior consultations with interested economic operators
- Ongoing procedures
- Procurement procedures exempt from the Public Procurement Act (simple procurement)
- Prior consultations archives
- Archives of procurement procedures exempt from the Public Procurement Act
Consultation with the interested public
- Draft proposal of the Ordinance on the conditions and method of allocation of the Fund's appropriations and the criteria and benchmarks for assessing the application for the allocation of the Fund's appropriations
- Izvješće o provedenom savjetovanju – NACRT ODLUKA O NAKNADAMA ZA SAKUPLJANJE I OBRADU PKO
Pristup informacijama
Public procurement
Public procurement procedures archives
Računalna i mrežna oprema br.2