Biological and landscape diversity

Biological and landscape diversity

Nature means the overall biodiversity, landscape diversity, and geodiversity. The role of the Fund is to employ its financial resources and expertise on the projects, thus contributing to achieving the goals set in the strategic and planning documents of the Republic of Croatia. By strengthening cooperation with the competent ministries, the Institute for Nature Protection, nature parks, and other public institutions, as well as through cooperation among the sectors and inclusion of the local and regional levels in resolving issues in certain sectors, the Fund is the main driving force behind the projects and activities that are directed towards targeted research, monitoring the state of nature, preservation of natural values, efficient nature management, and use of quality nature protection solutions.
Investments of the Fund related to nature protection projects are aimed at strengthening the nature protection sector for the absorption of resources from EU funds. The Fund co/finances the preparation of project documentation and it provides the national component for the projects co-financed with EU funding, in particular for upgrading the visitor infrastructure in national and nature parks.
The Fund contributes to the development and implementation of other EU programmes (e.g., LIFE programme) in the form of co-financing of the national component for nature protection projects for all types of beneficiaries (the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the State Institute for Nature Protection, public institutions, research and expert institutions, civil society organisations, etc.).
The Fund also provides the push for research and preparation of research and expert base documents for drawing up conservation measures and defining the activities for the management of the Natura 2000 areas declared under the Habitats Directive (areas of conservation important for species and habitat types – POVS from the Regulation on Ecological Network, OG 124/13), studies and preparation of expert base documents for zoning of the Natura 2000 areas declared under the Regulation on Ecological Network (OG 124/13), and collection of data on the distribution of populations of alien invasive species with proposals for eradication and control measures, or the implementation of the specific measures to eradicate and control alien invasive species.