Civic amenity sites

Civic amenity sites


Civic amenity site (recycling yard) means a staffed and fenced area intended for the separate collection and temporary storage of smaller amounts of special types of waste.
It is treated as a waste management facility and as such has to be envisaged in the spatial plan, and it requires technical documentation in order to obtain the necessary permits pursuant to the Building Act and other relevant regulations.
The unit of local self-government complies with the obligation of separately collecting difficult wastes, waste paper, metal, glass, plastics, textiles and bulky municipal waste by ensuring, among other things, the operation of at least one or more recycling yards, or a bring bank in the areas of its local self-government units.   
When selecting the location for the civic amenity site, the unit of local self-government shall ensure that the distribution of recycling yards, or the operation of a mobile unit, facilitate access to such yards, or to the unit, to the whole population in the area for which the recycling yards, i.e. the mobile units were installed.
Number of recycling yards/bring banks per the number of citizens 

  1. The unit of local self-government with a population of 1,500 or less, which did not make provisions for the operation of a civic amenity site must make arrangements for a bring bank (mobile unit) in its area, which shall be considered a recycling yard for the purposes of this Act.
  2. The unit of local self-government with a population of over 1,500 shall make provisions for the operation of at least one civic amenity site and of one more for every further 25,000 inhabitants in its area,
  3. The unit of local self-government with a population of over 100,000 shall make provisions for the operation of at least four civic amenity sites and of one for every further 30,000 inhabitants in its area,
  4. The unit of local self-government shall make arrangements for the operation of a bring bank in those settlements where no civic amenity site is in place, which shall be considered a recycling yard for the purposes of this Act.

By way of derogation, the City of Zagreb shall make arrangements for the operation of at least one civic amenity site in each city district.


In its operation the recycling yard, under Article 13, must meet the following conditions:
  1. It must be marked in accordance with this Ordinance;
  2. It must be equipped with an appropriate weighbridge,
  3. It must be equipped with video surveillance if waste trading operations are carried out in the recycling yard,
The conditions stipulated in Article 5, paragraphs 1 and 2 are the following:
(1) general conditions are the conditions to be met by the facility or part of the facility where the operation of waste management is carried out (hereinafter: facility), and other conditions as follows:
  1. Prevented infiltration of storm water that came into contact with the waste on the soil, into waters, groundwater and the sea,
  2. Prevented the scattering of waste in the surrounding environment, meaning that its spillage and/or discharge into the environment,
  3. The facility floors are resistant to the effect of waste,
  4. Prevented access to the waste to unauthorized persons,
  5. The facility is equipped with fire alarm and fire extinguishing devices, equipment, and tools,
  6. The operating manual is placed in a visible and accessible spot where the technological process is taking place,
  7. The location where the technological process is taking place is equipped with light fixtures,
  8. The facility is marked in accordance with this Ordinance,
  9. Smooth vehicle access to the facility,
  10. The facility fitted with equipment and tools for cleaning dispersed and spilled waste depending on the chemical and physical properties of waste.
(2) If waste management includes hazardous waste management, apart from the condition under paragraph 1 of this Article, the following conditions also have to be met:
  1. The facility is roofed,
  2. The inflow of precipitation waters onto the waste is prevented.
Article 14 of the Ordinance defines the manner in which the civic amenity site has to be marked, stipulating that an information board has to be mounted in the prominent place on the main entrance to the recycling yard containing the following information:

Bring bank – a mobile unit which is not facility or part of facility used for separate collection and storage of smaller quantities of special categories of waste.
The unit of local self-government with a population of 1,500 or less, which did not make provisions for the operation of a civic amenity site must make arrangements for the operation of a mobile unit in its area, which shall be considered a recycling yard for the purposes of this Act.
A bring bank – mobile unit has to comply with the following conditions:
  1. The inflow of precipitation water on the waste has to be prevented,
  2. It must be organised so as to allow vehicle access, or access to other means of transport,
  3. Waste storage must be performed in such a way to hinder or prevent  the dispersion and spillage of waste,
  4. The impact of operation of the recycling yard to the surrounding land and buildings must be reduced to a minimum, especially with regard the inconvenience that can be caused by the noise, dust, and/or unpleasant odours,
  5. The primary containers used have to be suitable for transport and must prevent the scattering and/or spillage of waste,
  6. Must be marked with a visible board containing the following: Civic amenity site – bring bank; SHORT NAME OF THE COMPANY OR TRADE;  REG. NO. OF ENTRY IN THE CIVIC AMENITY SITES REGISTER; WORKING HOURS.