Environmental protection is one of the most challenging and most complex activities that pervades all parts of human society. The natural environment we inhabit (air, water, soil, plants, animals, etc.) provides us with sustenance. Our needs, habits and interests, which cannot be met by the nature directly, are constantly growing. At the same time, the consumption of resources and energy is increasing, as well as the emissions of pollutants and waste generation, whereby we are creating new elements and shaping our environment, which is different from the natural one.
Decisions regarding the environment we adopt today could restrict or completely impede the future survival of the living systems.
Activities of the civil society organisations (associations) are based on the principle of free participation in public life, meaning that associations are free to participate in the development, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of public policies, as well as in forming public opinion, they can express their views and endorse initiatives regarding the issues of their interest.
With their continuous work, civil society organisations (associations) saw through numerous projects aimed at strengthening public awareness and including the public into all segments of environmental protection, especially those creating the preconditions for preventing pollution through education and providing information about the status of the environment, strengthening the awareness, and including the public in the decision-making and implementation of environmental measures.
The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund supports education projects of the civil society organisations (associations) through public calls for proposals for co-financing the projects promoting environmental education and sustainable development, waste management, improvement of the environment and urban and rural areas, protection and improvement of quality of air, soil, waters and sea, and mitigating climate change and protection of the ozone layer, and the environmental protection and sustainable development projects of the Croatian Homeland War veterans’ associations, which are aimed at the rehabilitation and active integration of the Croatian veterans in the society.