With a view to stimulating cleaner transport in Croatia and reducing air pollution, in 2014 the project entitled Let’s drive ECOnomically, under which the citizens and companies were granted funding for the purchase of energy efficient vehicles. In the period 2014 – 2020, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund co-financed with 153 million kunas the purchase of more than 4500 energy efficient vehicles (electric, hybrid, and plug-in hybrid vehicles).
According to the data of the Croatian Centre for Vehicles, an increase in the number of electric and hybrid vehicles is noticeable in the last few years. In 2012, there were only 13 electric cars in Croatia, 74 were recorded in 2014, in 2017 as many as 277, and there were 730 such vehicles in 2019.
In 2020, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund earmarked HRK 44 million for co—financing the purchase of energy efficient vehicles – 22 million for natural and 22 million for legal persons. Up to 40% incentive was allocated for the purchase of vehicle that at the moment of being introduced, imported or sold in the Republic of Croatia had not been registered. The vehicle could be bought in Croatia, Europe or anywhere in the world, but it had to be registered in Croatia:
What was required to apply to the public call?
- Choose the vehicle and request a quote. If not listed in the quote – obtain the catalogue and/or certificate listing the technical features of the vehicle, with clear reference to the category, manufacturer, type of propulsion, power and emissions;
- Log into the Fund’s e-Application system, upload the documents (copy of both sides of the ID card, a copy of the vehicle quote issued by an authorised dealer, and if it had not been included in the quote, a catalogue, certificate or similar document clearly stating the technical characteristics of the quoted vehicle, category of vehicle, manufacturer, model, type of propulsion (electric/plug-in hybrid), power (in kW), and CO2 emissions (g/km), and legal persons had to submit additional documentation listed in the text of the Public Call);
- Apply to the Public Call by clicking the “Apply” option (this option is enabled in the system only when the receipt of applications officially starts).
Categories of so-financed vehicles and the maximum amount of incentive
*For natural persons
*For legal persons
Why electric vehicles?
- No emissions of noxious gases in the atmosphere, i.e. their use reduces the detrimental impact on the environment,
- Their use reduces the consumption of fossil fuels (non-renewable energy sources),
- They imply a reduction in maintenance costs and higher safety in traffic,
- Lower tax burden,
- Reducing noise pollution (it is estimated that almost 20 % of EU citizens are affected by the noise the levels of which are deemed unacceptable,)
- They contribute to the corporate social responsibility, i.e. sustainable development.