The main goals of promoting educational, research, and development activities in the field of environmental protection include raising information levels about the state of the environment and environmental management, introducing the system of informing about the environmental status, education of the citizens about the environmental and nature protection issues starting from preschool children, use of environmentally friendly technology, drawing up expert and research projects and programmes enabling a more adequate and better protection of the environment and nature, through information activities stimulate economic entities to invest their resources into programmes and projects aimed at environmental protection, increasing public awareness of the need to preserve the natural values in the environment, waters, and other natural resources, promoting the setting up of the system for the disposal of special categories of waste that includes all stakeholders, from the producers to consumers, strengthening capacities of civil society organisations (associations) whose primary activity deals with environmental and nature protection.
Through its participation in the implementation of these projects, the Fund co-finances the activities and projects implemented by science institutions, kindergartens, primary and high schools, civil society organisations (associations), associations of the Croatian Homeland War veterans, and units of local and regional self-government.
With its financial resources, the Fund significantly contributes to the scientific approach to resolving certain problems and difficulties by preparing research and development studies.