The Adriatic Sea Environmental Pollution Control Project is part of a wider GEF Adriatic Sea Environment Protection Programme, with the total value of the Project Grant amounting to more than HRK 48 million. The Republic of Croatia and the World Bank acting as an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) concluded the Grant Agreement in 2014.
The project included the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The GEF grant provided more than HRK 30 million (4.33 mil.$) to Croatia. This funding was intended for the preparation of documentation for environmental pollution projects financed from EU funds and preparing sea pollution control projects in selected localities on Croatia’s and Herzegovina’s Adriatic coast, and to supply the equipment required for monitoring sea water quality.
Under the project, the Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2015 – 2021, together with the Strategic Assessment of the Plan was prepared, as well as the design and technical documents to apply landfill Diklo for EU co-financing. Under the Croatian part of the project, a subproject was implemented on the island of Korčula in Municipality Blato “Establishing and management of an integrated leachate system on landfill Sitnica”. The Fund used up 94% of grant funding, or USD 4.1 million.