Procurement of containers for separate collection of waste

Procurement of containers for separate collection of waste

Under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020, Specific objective 6i1 – Reducing the quantity of landfilled waste, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE) launched on 27 November 2018 a restricted negotiation procedure for submitting project proposals for the procurement of containers for the separate collection of the following types of municipal waste: waste paper and cardboard, waste plastics, waste glass, and biowaste. The only eligible applicant is the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund on behalf of 407 local self-government units that expressed interest in and complied with the requirements of this project.

The purchase of the containers will be co-financed from EU grant funding in the amount of 85%, while the remaining funding will be provided by the units of local self-government and the Fund. The total estimated value of this project amounts to HRK 370,631,802.09.

On 13 December 2018, the Fund completed the application process of the project for the procurement of containers for separate waste collection through the eFunds system, and on 8 January 2019 the minister of environment and energy adopted the Decision on financing of the project proposal “Procurement of containers for the separate collection of municipal waste” (reference number: KK. The share of co-financing of eligible costs from the Cohesion Fund amounts to 85.0000000%, meaning the maximum amount of eligible expenditure for the project from the Cohesion Fund is HRK 315,037,031.77.

For the purpose of concluding the Grant Agreement, on 14 February 2019 the Fund obtained from the Government of the Republic of Croatia approval of the Decision of the Management Board of the Fund for concluding a trilateral Grant Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Energy as Intermediate Body level 1, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund as Intermediate Body level 2, and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund as Beneficiary of the grant from the European Structural and Investment Funds. On the same day, 14 February 2019, the Grant Agreement for the projects financed from EU funds in the financial perspective 2014 – 2020 was concluded, and the open procedure was launched for the procurement of containers for the separate collection of municipal waste.

Following the award of relevant container procurement contracts, they were delivered to local units.
In total, 1.230.695 units of containers were delivered, for:

  • plastics (525.120), 
  • paper (447.573),
  • biowaste (141.721),
  • recyclable waste (113.502), and
  • glass (2.779). 


PROJECT TITLE: Procurement of containers for separate collection of waste   


For the purpose of establishing an integrated waste management system in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and transparent and simplified procedures, and contributing to the goals of separate collection of municipal waste and recycling, taking account of the principle of economy, effectiveness and efficiency, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund applied to the restricted negotiation procedure of the Call for the procurement of containers for the separate collection of municipal waste on behalf of 407 local self-government units (LSGUs).

The containers for separate collection of waste paper and cardboard, waste plastics, waste glass and biowaste, of different volumes, will be purchased under this project and marked with the EU visibility element.

The Fund published the Public Call for the expression of interest for the procurement of containers for separate collection of waste on 5 April 2018, the Amendments to the Public Call for the expression of interest for the procurement of containers for separate collection of waste on 10 May 2018, and the 2nd Amendments to the Public Call on 23 May 2018 and collected the data on the types and quantity of containers for the separate collection of municipal waste. To all LSGUs that expressed interest and fulfilled the requirements of the public call, the Fund offered to conclude container purchase agreements regulating mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding the purchase, financing, and implementation of the project for the procurement of containers for the separate collection of waste, with the aim of compliance with the waste management goals laid down in the legal framework and terms and conditions of said agreements. An integral part of the public call is the document entitled the Methodology of calculation of the required volume of containers (excel spreadsheet) where the official data (HAOP, 2016) as well as other information will be entered, the overall required volume of containers will be calculated and further elaborated according to the container volume stipulated in the waste management plan of the respective local self-government unit for which the containers are being procured, all with the aim of fulfilling the waste collection goals laid down in the Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 – 2022 (Official Gazette 3/2017). During the implementation of the project the relevant information, publicity, and visibility activities will also be carried out. All information about the dynamics and course of the project will be regularly published on the website of the Fund and the media will be informed about everything, as well as about the financing from the European Structural Funds. This in particular concerns the local media and various events that will be organised across Croatia. Promotional materials regarding the compliance with the information and visibility requirements will also be prepared.


 The objective of this project is to establish the system in which waste is separated at source in order to reduce the quantity of generated mixed municipal waste, to reduce the share of biodegradable municipal waste in the mixed municipal waste, to increase the quantities of recyclable waste, and to comply with the obligation of the Republic of Croatia to provide for the separate collection and recycling of waste paper and cardboard, waste plastics, waste glass and biowaste, and waste falling in special categories of waste.

Target groups of this project are units of local self-government that comply with their legal obligations to which the containers will be assigned and remain in their ownership in the period after the completion of the project (the minimum of 5 years), and users of the public service and the service related to the public service, to whom the containers will be handed over for further use.

The purchase of containers financed under OPCC through the Fund will ensure assistance to the units of local self-government in the process of implementation of their legal obligations to ensure compliance with the goals and tasks from the adopted waste management plans, and consequently of the Republic of Croatia in complying with its obligations assumed under the Treaty of Accession to the European Union.

PROJECT VALUE: The total value of the project is HRK 370,631,802.09; the amount financed from EU funds is HRK 315,037,031.77.

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: Start of the implementation period: 8 January 2019; completion of the implementation period: 14 February 2021.