Remediation of pit Sovjak

Remediation of pit Sovjak

PROJECT BENEFICIARY: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
In the Waste Management Strategy of the Republic of Croatia, pit Sovjak is designated as the “hot spot”, meaning location highly polluted by waste after decades of improper management of the production (technological) waste. The Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 – 2022 lists the remediation of locations highly polluted with waste (“hot spots”) as the projects relevant for the implementation of the Plan, and as one of the goals to be achieved by 2022. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF) has been designated as the implementing authority responsible for the project of remediation of pit Sovjak on behalf of the Republic of Croatia, pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Sustainable Waste Management, based on the Decision on remediation adopted by the minister on 28 July 2017.
In general, the proposed remediation solution for Sovjak includes five phases; removal of solid waste from the surface of the pit; excavation of floating hydrocarbons, transport and incineration outside Croatia; excavation of sediment/soft tar, preparation for transport, and transport for incineration outside Croatia; continuous pumping, pre-treatment and discharge of wastewater, and backfilling of the pit with inert material of natural origin, and finally closing it with the top cover with the storm water drainage system.
The remediation project will be implemented by contracting the following works and services:
  1. Works (include design and all legal obligations until obtaining the building and use permits)
  2. Supervising engineer (mandatory technical supervision of construction, occupational health and safety coordinator, and other persons responsible for handling and transport of hazardous substances, if stipulated by law)
  3. Public relations, informing and visibility services
  4. Technical assistance (includes commissioning of the project manager pursuant to the regulations)

The project includes the clean-up and closure of pit Sovjak, thus eliminating the adverse impact of hazardous waste on the local population and the wider area, and it will contribute to achieving OPCC 2014 – 2020 indicators; it will contribute to Croatia’s compliance with the obligations to the EU, and to the economic development of the municipality. Compared to the current state of the location that is degraded both visually and environmentally, the project will help eliminate the adverse impact of waste on the environment, the new green area will be formed, and potentially a favourable habitat for certain plant and animal species. The location will take on a suburban character and blend in with the surrounding area.

The total value of the Project amounts to HRK 377,168,323.60. The share of co-financing of eligible costs from the Cohesion Fund is 85.00%, i.e. the grant amounts to HRK 320,593,075.06.

Start of the implementation of the Project: 29 June 2018; conclusion of the Project implementation period: 31 December 2023.