

Reuse is the vital part of an integrated waste management system, and in this way we wish to promote the activities related to reuse of different things and objects, for example old furniture, items of clothing, and of consumer goods in general.

The new Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 - 2022 defines the goals and measures that have to be achieved in order to create a resource-efficient society. The adoption of this Plan created the preconditions for the development of circular economy, where usable resources are kept in the economy after their useful life so that they would be repeatedly and productively used thus creating new value. The emphasis is put on compliance with the hierarchy of waste management, and in the forefront are waste prevention, reuse, separate collection of waste, recycling, and composting.

The wider public, i.e. the citizens have to be educated and motivated to separate waste in the greatest possible degree and to contribute with responsible conduct to a more efficient waste management.

Today, when consumerism has taken hold, we very easily discard the products which can be reused with minor repairs, and people often automatically, and also due to our nonchalance we throw them into rubbish, instead of reconsidering the possibilities to reuse them.

The system of reuse represents an exceptional and so far unused potential for the ecological and social activities, and at the same time it complies with the circular economy concept. By opening reuse centres, and through various thematic educational workshops, the reuse sector would open new jobs and stimulate the possibility to perfect work skills and knowledge of underprivileged groups that are not easily employable.

This is the platform used by many European reuse centres, of which there are more than 8600 and employing almost 40.000 people.

Croatia is also planning to open such centres where the citizens will be able to donate the articles they no longer use, for example old furniture, clothing, cookware, and other consumer goods, that would be repaired and restored in the centres and put back on the market.

Reuse Guidelines