€3 million for the renovation of buildings in Split-Dalmatia County


Contracts for co-financing the energy renovation of public sector buildings, worth more than 3 million euros, were awarded in Split today.  The contracts were handed over on behalf of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets by deputy Prime Minister and minister Branko Bačić, and director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Luka Balen, in the presence of Split-Dalmatia County prefect Blaženko Boban.

“So far, in the area of the county the energy renovation of 30 apartment buildings and 24 public sector buildings worth 19.1 million euros was carried out under OPCC 2014 - 2020. The renovation of buildings is just one of the initiatives that aims to achieve savings on fuels and in the budgets of local units, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure the green transition of our society," said the director of the Environmental Protection Fund, Luka Balen, adding that in 2024, the Fund had also provided EUR 120 million for the energy renovation of family houses.

Minister Branko Bačić considers the energy renovation of buildings to be one of the Government's priorities they account for almost 50% of energy for heating and cooling. "To reduce this consumption, the Government has adopted energy renovation programmes for the period until 2030 and provided significant national and European funding amounting to almost 3 billion euros. The goal is to renovate 1.7 million square meters of residential and commercial space in buildings for the duration of NPOO,” announced minister Bačić. "Energy-renovated buildings save more and are worth more, they have better mechanical resistance and stability, they are safer in the event of fire, and by ensuring beneficial indoor ambient conditions, after renovation buildings become healthier, safer and more comfortable to live in and work," Bačić concluded.   
At today's event, the contracts for the energy renovation of buildings were awarded to Split-Dalmatia County primarily for the energy renovation of the Prof. Filip Lukas Elementary School Sports Hall in Kaštel Stari, worth 917,400 euros, and for the energy renovation of the Split-Dalmatia County Health Centre outpatient clinic in Sinj worth 710,000 euros, as well as to the City of Trogir for the energy renovation of the Vinko Kandija Sports Hall, worth 1.4 million euros. Resources for these projects were provided under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO).