Regulations in the field of environmental protection and waste management

Regulations in the field of environmental protection and waste management

Act on the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (OG 107/03144/12)
Environmental Protection Act (OG 80/13153/1378/15)
Act on Sustainable Waste Management (OG 94/1373/1714/1998/19)
Air Protection Act (OG 130/1147/1461/17118/18127/19)
Ordinance on the management of construction waste and waste containing asbestos (OG 69/16)
Ordinance on the management of waste tyres (OG 113/16)
Ordinance on waste management  (OG 23/1451/14)
Ordinance on packaging and waste packaging (OG 88/15), 78/16116/1714/20)
Decision on areas of collection of non-hazardous waste packaging (OG 102/18)
Ordinance on the management of waste tyres (OG 40/0631/09156/09111/1186/13)
Ordinance on the management of end-of-life vehicles  (OG 136/0631/09156/0953/1286/13, 91/13, 125/1590/1660/1872/1881/20)
Decision on modification of the fee in the waste oils management system on modifications of  the fees and charges in the end-of-life vehicles and waste tyres management systems (OG 40/1557/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste oils (OG 124/06121/0831/09156/0991/1145/1286/13)
Decision on modification of the fee in the waste oils management system (OG 95/15, 57/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste batteries and accumulators (OG 133/0631/09156/0945/1286/13, 111/15)
Ordinance on the management of waste electric and electronic devices and equipment (OG 74/07133/0831/09156/09143/1286/13, 7/20)
Ordinance on the management of waste electric and electronic equipment (OG 42/1448/14107/14139/1411/197/20)
Ordinance on restricting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (OG 131/1316/14)
Ordinance on the method and procedures of management of waste containing asbestos (OG 42/07),
 Ordinance on the environmental protection label (OG 70/0881/11)
Ordinance on the environmental protection label of the European Union – the EU Ecolabel (OG 110/14)
Regulation on the management of municipal waste (OG 50/17)
Regulation on information and participation of the public and interested public in environmental matters (OG 64/08)
Regulation on categories, types and classification of waste with waste catalogue and the list of hazardous waste (OG 50/0539/09)
Regulation on substances depleting the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14)
Regulation on voluntary participation of organisations in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) (OG 77/14)
Regulation on the management of waste packaging (OG 97/157/20)
Regulation on the management of batteries and accumulators (OG 105/1557/20)
Regulation on the management of end-of-life vehicles (OG 112/15)
Programmes and plans
Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia (OG 30/09)
Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 – 2022 (OG)
Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2007 – 2015 (OG)
  • Amendments to the  Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2007 – 2015 (OG)
Programme for granting de minimis state aid in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency, and use of renewable energy  (OG)