Join the closing conference of the project Interreg Europe FIRESPOL – Financial Instruments for Renewable Energy Investment was held online on Tuesday, 15 March 2022, from 10:00 to 13:00, whereby the project was officially completed.

Registration link:
After the registration, you will get a confirmation e-mail with access information to join the conference.

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Europe programme

The Interregional Cooperation Programme Interreg Europe 2014 – 2020 is financed from the European Regional Development Fund and has been created to provide through partnership projects support to learning and exchange of experiences among the organisations that participate in the creation and implementation of the local, regional, and national policies, and regional development programmes with the aim of boosting their efficiency.

FIRESPOL – Financial Instruments for Renewable Energy Investment

The FIRESPOL Project includes the participation of 6 partner countries: Spain, Ireland, Germany, Latvia, Poland, and Croatia. Spain is the leader of the Project Team, while the implementing authority in Croatia is the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF).
The FIRESPOL Project started on 1 June 2018, it will last for 4 years The total value of the project is € 1,325,220.

The goal of the project is the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the member states through the examples of the best practice in renewable energy projects, and the preparation of the Action Plan for implementing in the best possible manner the Financial Instruments in projects dealing with renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Special emphasis is put on elaborating the possibilities to stimulate entrepreneurs to invest in infrastructure for the generation and storage of energy from renewable sources.
Participation in this project will help Croatia in the programming process for the next programme period 2021 – 2028 in the context of defining the requirements and priorities in the field of RES, and the option of including the financing of RES projects combining grant funding with the Financial Instruments.

Through FIRESPOL project EPEEF included as stakeholders the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP),   unit of local and regional self-government, Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia Association, the national energy company HEP, the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE), the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA), and other interested institutions, associations, as well as the private sector. Thorough the synergy of knowledge and experience of the competent institutions, and the experiences of partner countries, it is expected that investment priorities in the upcoming programme period will be properly defined.

More information about FIRESPOL:

The following project activities have been completed so far:

  • Identification of the best practice examples in the use of RES (energy generation and storage);
  • Meetings/consultations of interested stakeholders;
  • Study visits to the chosen best practice projects in Spain, Poland, Croatia, Ireland, Germany and Latvia; 
  • Self-assessment of each country project partner, and data processing;
  • Presenting the experiences of each country’s best practice    in the use of RES;
  • The European Commission has drawn up and adopted the Action Plan;
  • The implementation of the measures defined in the Action Plan is under way:
    • Setting up of the single contact point at the Fund – One stop shop
    • Launched Public Call for small proprietors in tourism

Croatian media releases on FIRESPOL  

Newspaper article: business daily Poslovni dnevnik Investment in RES
Newspaper article: daily Slobodna Dalmacija Can Croatia become green?
Newspaper article: Slobodna Dalmacija 10 Croatian islands on the path to clean energy
Consultations on FIRESPOL
Consultations of FIRESPOL stakeholders at the Fund | Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (
FIRESPOL stakeholders held consultations | Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (
The Fund presented FIRESPOL project at regional workshops | Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (
The Fund includes stakeholders in the FIRESPOL project | Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (

The European Commission has drawn up and adopted the Action Plan

7 interregional events held

Interregional exchange of experiences and learning are at the core of the Interreg FIRESPOL project. FIRESPOL project is developing this approach through its interregional events. 7 interregional events were organised during the 1st phase of the project. The first event was held in Badajoz (Spain), the second one in Lublin, Poland, in January 2019, the fourth in Waterford, Ireland, in July 2019, the fifth was in Hessen in Germany in October 2019, the sixth in Riga, Latvia, in February 2020, and the final, concluding event was held online in October 2020. The host of the event was Spain, the leader of the Project Team. The exchange of experiences and examples of the best practice is aimed at creating the framework that will promote more intensive investment of both the public and the private sector in renewable energy sources.
