In cooperation with the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, in July 2014 the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Programme of energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings for the period 2014 – 2020. Over a 3-year period, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund as the implementing authority provided HRK 286 million grant funding for this programme, of which HRK 200 million was approved for the energy renovation of 257 buildings worth in total 461 mil. kunas. In 2016, the funding started to be withdrawn from the EU funds under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion, in which EUR 100 million has been allocated for the renovation of the housing sector until 2020, of which approx. 70 million is allocated for the renovation of multi-residential buildings (approx. 525.3 million kunas).
The Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning invited the first Call for proposals on 17 October 2016, and it was open for applications until 31 January 2017. The planned budget amounted to HRK 147.440.000, with the 60% rate of co-financing regardless of the location, with the limitation of the maximum amount of the incentive per project to 13 million kunas. Energy audits and energy certification, as well as the preparation of design documentation were co-financed with 85%. 648 project applications were received, of which 596 were evaluated as eligible. The value of eligible projects exceeded 1 billion kunas, so the Managing Authority approved an increase to the planned allocation to be able to co-finance all the applications which fulfilled the eligibility criteria in the amount of approx. HRK 560 million of grant funding. An overview of the signed Contracts on co-financing is available on the website of the Ministry.
Under the Call, all activities and measures that were envisaged in the Programme were co-financed, and the Fund provided direct technical assistance to all interested buildings, i.e. facility managers and representatives of co-owners, entailing only assistance with the application process, but also with project monitoring in terms of advising and providing all the necessary information. All information can be obtained at
Video showing the experiences of the applicants to the Call for the energy renovation of apartment buildings.
Film Buildings that save more are worth more