• For lighting, whenever possible use natural light.
  • The alternative are LED light bulbs that reduce energy consumption by as much as up to 90% compared to the conventional light bulbs.
  • If there is no none in the room, turn the lights off.
  • On staircases, in warehouses, garages, and similar, it is useful to install motion sensors and light timers, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. 
  • Reduce decorative lighting wherever possible because it does not contribute to room illumination, and it consumes additional electricity.
  • Turn on the washing machine or dishwasher during off-peak overnight rate.
  • When you use the dishwasher, choose an energy efficient short low-temperature programme.
  • Place the fridge and freezer in the coldest place in the house (in no way near the range, radiator, or boiler), and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight. A cooler space means greater energy savings – in this case, every degree Celsius can reduce electricity consumption by up to 5%.
  • Standard temperature for keeping frozen food is -18°C and lowering it by only 1°C can increase energy consumption by up to 5%. The optimum fridge temperature is around 6°C. 
  • Regularly clean the appliances as this also reduces energy consumption (e.g., a 3 mm thick ice build-up increases energy consumption by around 30%) and turn them on when you need them. For a better performance of the appliances that are working, such as ovens or refrigerators, don’t keep the doors open for too long. You will save the energy, and your appliances will last longer.
  • Electrical appliances such as the TV, radio, and computer should be turned off when not in use. These appliances consume energy even in standby mode. Unplug the mobile or tablet charger from the socket after they are charged. 
  • Turn off the desktop display when you don’t need it as it usually consumes around 50% of the energy required for the computer to operate.
  • Set the electric boiler temperature to 55–60°C, and if you are absent from the room for more than 24 hours, it should be turned off.
  • Unplug from the socket the appliances you are not using.