Agreement, worth almost HRK 144m, for continuing remediation of Karepovac signed


On the premises of the Split City Administration, the Grant Agreement was signed today for financing remediation of landfill Karepovac, whereby Split was granted almost 115 million kunas from EU funds. The Agreement was signed by the minister of economy and sustainable development, Tomislav Ćorić, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Siniša Kukić, and the mayor of Split, Andro Krstulović Opara.

On this occasion, Minister Ćorić congratulated the mayor and his team on having successfully applied the project, which had marked the last few years of waste separation in Split-Dalmatia County. “This funding will be used for the best possible purpose. Three years ago we had a huge waste management crisis in the Split area. Everything that has been done since then should be merited to the enthusiasm of Split and mayor Opara. We should be proud of the fact that in 2019 Croatia made a huge step forward in waste separation. In the upcoming period, we should go even further and separate waste at source,” said Minister Ćorić.

The director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Siniša Kukić was satisfied: “With today’s contract we have brought to a conclusion the process of securing the funding for the remediation of the landfill Karepovac. The first phase of remediation of Karepovac, which the City of Split implemented with financial and expert support from the Fund has been completed, I would dare to say, in record short time. Karepovac is no longer a pile of trash it used to be, it has been transformed into a regulated and remediated landfill. The Fund co-financed the purchase of the land and the works in the first phase of remediation with HRK 59 million.” Director Kukić praised the cooperation between the City, the Fund, and the Ministry.

The mayor of Split. Andro Krstulović Opara, maintains that this day is the crowning achievement of the 3-year-long effortsto bring this ecological time bomb on the Split peninsula to the state it is in today. “Together with this sum, we will have withdrawn enough resources to initiate the 2nd and 3rd phases of Package A to finish the remediated part that will be greened over. We are in the process of designing Package B, Phase A, and the process which should last until 2023. The grant of 115 million is a significant incentive for us, and an obligation to see this project, which started in 2018, to the end. The deadline is 2023, and considering the knowhow and efforts we have put in, everything will go as planned,” concluded Krstulović Opara.