Almost 1 million euros for energy renovation of Gospić State Archives


The director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Luka Balen, the minister of culture and media, Nina Obuljen Koržinek, PhD, and state secretary Ivica Poljičak, PhD, visited the City of Gospić, where they were joined by Lika-Senj County mayor Ernest Petry.  Minister Obuljen Koržinek presented the director of the State Archives, Ivica Mataija, with a Grant Agreement for the project of energy renovation of the building housing the archive, for which EUR 969,140.49 of EU grants were provided under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan through the Call for the energy renovation of listed buildings.

The building in question houses regional state archives, providing archival service in Lika-Senj County. Since its establishment in 1999, it has been the place for research of rich Lika history sources and keeps almost 3,000 meters of archival material organised in 270 archival funds and collections. The building was built in the 1880s in the style of mature historicism, and its architectural and design characteristics have been fully preserved. It is one of the representative public buildings in the town centre, along the main roads, and has a historical and ambient value as part of the cultural and historical complex of Gospić.

The implementation of the energy renovation project will cover1,135.13 m2 of gross construction area, achieving annual savings in primary energy consumption of 97%. Compared to the situation before the renovation, the savings in annual heat energy consumption should be 62.5%, while the reduction of CO2 emissions on an annual level should amount to 64.03%.
The call for awarding grant funding for the energy renovation of listed buildings under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Media, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. Also, as part of the activities of strengthening storage capacities of regional state archives, as well as getting into order and digitising the records of judicial bodies, the Ministry has already allocated EUR 350,000 to the Gospić State Archives for the construction of a new archival repository as an annex to the existing building.