Another supply of containers for separate waste collection


These activities are aimed at reducing the quantities of landfilled waste, and are financed from the EU Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020. 

The Fund, as the beneficiary of EU funding, implemented the public procurement procedure worth HRK 370,631,802.09 for five different types of containers, and after the procedure was completed, suppliers for four groups were chosen. In the meantime, the procurement procedure for separated waste collection containers of the volumes 80 l, 120 l, 240 l, and 360 l has been cancelled, and the new one is under way. 85% of funding has been secured from the European Cohesion Fund, while the remaining 15% will be provided by the units of local self-government from their budgets. 

“In the second half of last year, the Fund had already delivered part of the equipment including metal bell containers, and in accordance with the agreed schedule. Simultaneously with this, we are implementing the public procurement procedure for the containers for separate waste collection, and hopefully this year we will be able to provide the towns and municipalities with all the necessary utility infrastructure so that the majority of citizens can separate the waste at source.” According to the data on separately collected waste, 66% of generated municipal waste is landfilled, while the rate of recycled municipal waste in 2018 reached 25.3 %. Until the end of this year, according to the Waste Management Plan, Croatia should separately collect 50% of municipal waste, so the purchase of utility equipment is one of the prerequisites to achieve that.” In addition, said Mrs Čilić, the towns and municipalities should step up their efforts to educate and inform the citizens about where and how to separate different types of waste.  

Project brief: 

The project of procurement of containers for separated collection of municipal waste is financed under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020, Specific objective 6i1 – Reducing the quantity of landfilled waste. Just to bring to mind, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy published the restricted Call for proposals for the procurement of containers for separate collection of waste, to which the Fund applied as the only eligible applicant. In order to prepare the project proposal, the Fund published the Public Call for EoI for the purchase of containers for the local self-government units. After the towns and municipalities supplied the information regarding the number and type of containers they required, the Fund started preparing the documentation for a consolidated procurement procedure. 

Participants in the project include 407 units of local self-government that expressed interest in the purchase of the containers and met the requirements of the call, and that have concluded the relevant agreements with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, as Beneficiary of this EU project. 

The value of the project is HRK 370,631,802.09, of which 85% is EU grant, and in total 1,230,695 containers of different types and volume will be purchased.