Awards for the most successful actions on cleaning the environment


Deputy Director of the Fund Alenka Košiša Čičin Šain presented the members of the Sports and Fishing Association Odra, the Folklore Association Čiče, the Association Agroeduka, and the Volunteer Fire Department Novo Čiče, with the second runner-up award for the action on cleaning the environment as part of the Coca-Cola corporate social responsibility project From the Spring to the Sea.

In this year’s actions that were organised in the period from April until the end of October in Velika Gorica, Čakovec, Sveta Nedjelja, Ližnjan, Marčana, Sisak, Buzet, Novi Vinodolski, Lokve and Omiš, and on islands Krk, Prvić and Olib, more than 780 participants collected almost 15 tonnes of waste, while the organisations that collected the greatest quantity of waste per participant were awarded cash prizes by Cocoa-Cola.

The first place and the amount of HRK 15,000 was awarded the Youth Information Centre   ZUM and the Volunteer Centre Istra, which due to great efforts and motivation collected 700 kilos of waste, or 64 kilos per participant. Even though only 11 members took part in the action, they proved that will and effort could prevail even over teams with more members.

The first runner-up awarded the 10.000 kuna prize was the environmental organisation Šepurina from the island of Prvić, which, with support from the Tourist Board Vodice collected 2,065 kilos of waste, or 41 kg per each of the 50 participants. With the total of 5.280 kilograms, i.e. 35 kilos of waste per participant, 150 members of the Sports and Fishing Association Odra, the Folklore Association Čiče from Novo Čiče, the association Agroeduka and the Volunteer Fire Department Novo Čiče for the Velika Gorica Action, won the second runner-up prize in the amount of 5.000 kunas.

“I am very happy that this year as well the project From the Spring to the Sea received such a great response from many participants in their cleaning action, who contributed to adequate disposal of waste careless individuals discarded in the environment”, said Deputy Director Kočiša Čičin Šain, and invited everyone to apply to the call the Fund would invite at the beginning of December for non-governmental organisations for co-financing underwater cleaning actions and reuse projects.