Buje staring with the construction of the recycling yard


The town successfully secured a little over HRK 7 million from EU funds for energy renovation of buildings and waste management projects, said Dubravko Ponoš, Director of the Fund, during his visit to Buje. The last in a series of projects for which the town was granted funding is the construction of the recycling yard in Momjanska Street. The investment is worth HRK 3.4 million, of which 700 thousand will be provided in the Town budget, while the rest has been secured under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion.

The recycling yard should become operational at the end of March next year, and after it is open the preconditions will be created to increase the rate of separate collection of municipal waste in the Buje area.

“The project of construction of the recycling yard has an important role in the development of Buje. Apart from compliance with the provisions of the Waste Management Plan, we are creating the preconditions for efficient waste management, and we are having an impact on reducing the quantity of waste that will end in WMC Kaštijun”, said Fabrizio Vižintin, the mayor of Buje.

The director of the utility company “6. Maj”, Reuf Šerbečić, said that in the first year of operation the recycling yard was planning to achieve the target of 120 tonnes of separately collected waste. He announced that the Town was going to purchase the containers for separate collection of waste through the Fund, and in the following phase the town had the intention of purchasing underground containers that would contribute to the overall aesthetic appearance of the town streets.  

Director Ponoš praised the work of the town administration, reiterating several times that Buje was doing a great job and planning future projects, also mentioning a few examples of withdrawing funding, such as the project of education of the citizens about waste management. Mr. Ponoš also mentioned energy efficiency projects and he visited the locations of five multi-apartment buildings in Buje, whose renovation was co-financed from EU funds with 2.3 million kunas.