Call for co-financing the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings


The method of application has changed as of this year. The only way to apply is through the e-Applications system of the Fund, the link is on the Fund’s website. The information and the documents can be filled out and uploaded in the e-Applications system starting on 31 August, while the submission through the system will be possible from 21 September at 9:00.

The co-financing resources will be granted for the reconstruction of the existing boiler rooms in public buildings by installing one or several RES systems with wood chips/pellets boiler of wood pyrolysis boiler, heat pump, solar thermal modules, and photovoltaic modules.

Depending on the location, the applicants will be able to get 40, 60 or 80% of co-financing for these systems, i.e. the maximum of HRK 500,000, with the grant being awarded until either the resources are depleted or by the end of the year.

This programme promotes the use of RES in public buildings that should lead by example, demonstrating the advantages of switching to the systems using renewable energy sources. Their promotion will contribute to environmental protection and achieve a number of savings, it will prompt new activities and the development of new technologies, consequently contributing to the development of the economy. Finally, more efficient energy consumption will reduce the dependence on imported energy, and lead to new jobs.

Eligible applicants to the Fund’s Public Call are the units of local and regional self-government, state administration bodies, public institutions, companies in the public sector, and other budgetary and extra-budgetary users. The buildings where public activity is performed should be owned by the applicant and meet all the conditions listed in the text of the Public Call.

To apply, the following has to be prepared: electronic versions (scanned) copies of the proof of legality of the building, title deed or proof of co-ownership, the main design, and other documentation listed in the Public Call.