Call for proposals for civil society organisations for co-financing environmental protection projects


The resources available under this Call (ZO-4/2020) amount to HRK 1.7 million. The lowest amount of grant to be applied for and contracted per project is HRK 20,000.00, while the largest amount per project is HRK 60,000.00.

All associations registered pursuant to the Associations Act have the right to apply to the Call. Eligible associations are those entered in the Register of associations that have been active for at least 1 year in the Republic of Croatia, concluding with the date of publication of the Call. The association’s programme and activities should deal with ecology, environmental and nature protection, protection of the sea and marine environment, sustainable development and speleology, which should be evident in the goals and list of activities in the articles of association, entered in the Register of non-profit organisations, and which keeps transparent and regular records of financial operations.

Pollution of the environment is one of the greatest ecological issues today. Projects like these help raise the awareness of the citizens about the importance of waste generation and proper disposal of waste. In addition, they contribute to creating the common feeling of environmental responsibility, promoting the importance of reuse, clean-up of the seabed and speleological objects from the waste which comes from the land, or is thrown by humans directly into the sea or speleological objects. All of this causes or could cause devastating consequences for the flora and fauna, and poses a threat to human health.

Due to this, the Fund shall continue promoting these types of actions, which also have the potential for developing environmentally friendly economic and social activities that are compatible with the concept of circular economy.

The deadline for submitting applications is 31 August 2020.

The text of the Call and other documentation can be found under the link for the national open calls and tenders - Nacionalni javni pozivi i natječaji