Civic amenity site Pržić opens in Cres


At the opening ceremony were the representatives of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund: Deputy Director Alenka Košiša Čičin-Šain, advisor to the director Ljiljana Bukovec, and head of the Environmental Protection Sector Aleksandra Čilić, together with the mayor of Cres, Kristijan Jurjako, the director of the utility company that will run the civic amenity site Neven Kruljac, and Dejan Ćormarković, the director of Elektro-voda, the contracting company performing the works.  

The mayor Jurjako reminded the guests about all activities in organising an integrated waste management system: “Cres was the first town in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County to have built a 7 million kuna-worth transfer station in the then landfill site, and in 2016 the semi-underground separate waste containers were installed in Cres, for which 1 million kunas were allocated. The municipal company Komunalne usluge Cres-Lošinj bought a special vehicle, worth HRK 1 million, for emptying the newly placed containers.” The development of the system continued with the project of construction and equipping of the civic amenity site (recycling yard) Pržić, which started at the end of last year and was completed in June 2020.

The overall value of the project of construction and equipping of the civic amenity site Pržić was slightly over 3 million kunas, of which 85% was financed with the grant from the European Cohesion Fond, through the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. 

Deputy director of the Fund, Mrs Košiša Čičin-Šain, pointed out the results Cres has achieved in separate waste collection: “The town of Cres is changing at the speed of light. In 2017, 11% of waste in Cres was separated, and this year it is nearing 50%. The credit for this goes to the town administration and utility companies, but most of all of the citizens who separate the waste.” She officially inaugurated the civic amenity site by pressing the button on the remote opening the entry gate.

“This recycling yard that was opened today is just one of the waste management projects Cres is implementing in cooperation with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. Remediation of landfill Pržić is under way, and in the upcoming period the Fund will supply the Town with more containers for separate waste collection, all of which will help round off the infrastructure,” concluded Košiša Čičin-Šain.
Mayor Jurjako also reminded that the works on the final remediation and closure of the old landfill were in progress, and the project was worth in total HRK 10.5 million.
The project of construction of the civic amenity site was accompanied by various information and education activities for the citizens informing them about proper waste separation in households, and the role of the civic amenity site in the integrated waste management system.