Co-financing the construction of EV charging stations started


After the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund launched the Public Call for co-financing the purchase of green vehicles in early April and received more than 2400 applications, today the Fund launched the Public Call for co-financing the construction of EV charging stations, for which HRK 5.8 million has been allocated. This is just one in a series of activities aimed at promoting the transition to a cleaner and more energy efficient transport system, with the overarching goal of reducing environmental pollution caused by exhaust gases and noise.  

“Co-financing of charging stations for e-vehicles is a natural phase following up on last year’s call under which 25 million kunas were granted for the purchase of around 900 electric vehicles that are now driving on the Croatian roads. One of the preconditions for a more widespread use of energy efficient and green vehicles is providing the relevant infrastructure, so it makes sense to develop one and the other simultaneously. As a tourism-oriented country that is attractive for European holidaymakers, who will probably come to Croatia driving  their electric vehicles, it is important to provide a significantly greater number of EV charging points than the current 200, give or take a few,“ said the director of the Fund, Dubravko Ponoš. “Before launching the call itself, we have already conducted the consultations with potential beneficiaries, and their practical proposals have also been included in the preparation of the call,” he explained. 

Companies, trades and crafts, units of local and regional self-government, and non-for-profit organisations (except associations and cooperatives) can be granted up to 40 % of eligible costs, i.e. up to 200,000 kn, for their projects to install charging points. Charging stations eligible for co-financing include those with the minimum total power of 50 kW DC or 22 kW AC, while the call does not strictly define the technical concept and it is open for various solutions in terms of voltage systems, power, charging speed, and locations of the charging points and traffic routes along which they will be placed. The precondition for co-financing is the submission of the main design by the licensed engineer and a valid building permit, or some other relevant document proving that the permit is not required. The application form, depending on the type of applicant, has to be accompanied by the relevant documentation, meaning they have to be submitted together and sent exclusively by registered mail.

“The funding will be granted in the order of receipt until the end of the year, or until the planned resources are used up, so we call on all interested applicants to prepare project proposals as soon as possible, and to make sure that the documentation they submit is complete,” pointed out Mr. Ponoš, adding that retroactive financing was not possible for the charging stations built before 8 May 2019. Beneficiaries that are granted co-financing will have the period of 12 months to complete the planned projects. “In the near future, charging stations will become an integral part of construction designs and every new development will have them. Up to then, it is our task to adjust the existing system as best as we can, so that the transition can unfold as efficiently and rapidly as possible,” concluded Ponoš.