Containers supplied to 284 towns and municipalities


The total value of the project is HRK 370 million, of which 85% is EU grant funding, while the remaining part is provided by the units of local self-government. Based on the expression of interest from 407 towns and municipalities, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund implemented an integrated procurement procedure. 

The total of 1,230,695 containers will be purchased for the collection of waste paper and cardboard, waste plastics, waste glass and bio-waste. In the first phase of the project, which has just been completed, larger volume containers have been purchased, while in the second phase, wheelie bins for separate collection of waste in households will be purchased.

The procedure of procurement of bins for households is in the final phase, and the supply of 1,182,835 bins for 385 towns and municipalities is expected in the autumn.  

The goal of the project is the setting up of the separate waste collection at source in order to reduce the quantity of generated mixed municipal waste, to reduce the share of biodegradable municipal waste in the generated mixed municipal waste, and to increase the quantities of recyclable waste.

The procurement of containers financed funder OPCC through the Fund will help the units of local self-government to comply with their legal obligations and ensure the achievement of the goals and tasks in the adopted waste management plans, thus helping Croatia to fulfil its obligations assumed under the Treaty of Accession to the European Union.