Director of the Fund in a working meeting in Sunja Municipality


Director of the Fund, Dubravko Ponoš, held a working meeting in Sunja with head of the Municipality Grga Dragičević and his deputy Robert Grabundžija. The agenda included the setting up of the waste management system and stimulating energy efficiency in the building sector. The Municipality applied to the public call published by the Ministry of Environment an Energy, and was granted around HRK 2.7 million from the European Cohesion Fund for the construction of the recycling yard.

Director Ponoš said that the agreement was being drawn up by the Fund’s Intermediate Body level 2, which evaluates and monitors EU Projects, and that it is to be expected that he agreement would be signed soon. The Municipality also applied for the co-financing of containers for separate collection of waste and around 4000 bins and containers should be available to the citizens of Sunja. “After we have completed all procedures to provide the resources we have allocated for this purpose from EU funds, the Fund will publish the public call for the procurement of container. This is very complex procurement procedure considering the amount of the investment of almost € 50 million. The Fund is the institution that will conduct an integrated procurement procedure for 407 units of local self-government. After the most advantageous tenderer are chosen, in accordance with the schedule, the containers will be supplied to LSGUs”, explained Mr. Ponoš.

Municipality head Grga Dragičević pointed out that the new containers for separate collection of waste will additionally motivate the inhabitants of Sunja to separate as much waste as possible at their doorstep. The Municipality will also provide education for the citizens on how to properly handle waste.

In the meeting, Director Ponoš informed Mr. Dragičević and his deputies about the public calls that the Fund will invite in this year, and which could be of interest to them and the people living in the area. He particularly pointed out the tender for the installation of RES systems in households, which is planned in the first half of the year.

Together they visited the building of the elementary school which is in the process of energy renovation. Apart from the replacement of the old windows and installing thermal insulation and the new façade, the school switched to a different energy generating product, so instead of heating oil they will use pellets. The investment is worth 3.8 million kunas, of which 2.3 million was secured from EU funds.

Head of Municipality Mr. Grga Dragičević thanked the director of the Fund for all the information and support that will greatly facilitate the implementation of the planned activities to Sunja Municipality and its inhabitants.