Director of the Fund in working visit to Umag


Director of the Fund Siniša Kukić held a working meeting in Umag with the mayor Vili Bassanese and his colleagues. It was confirmed that the Town of Umag and the Fund have excellent cooperation on many waste management and energy efficiency projects.

“Umag is among the first towns in Istria to have withdrawn funding from the previous Operational Programme Environment, and it was among the first ones to have the transfer station built. The plan to remediate Donji Picudo-west will go ahead as soon as the conditions are met. This project should also be financed from EU funds, and the estimate is that the investment would amount to 15.6 million kunas. 85% of funding will be provided from the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion, while 10% of the amount will be co-financed by the Environmental Protection Fund,” said Director Kukić.

During the meeting, Mr. Kukić presented the public calls the Fund is planning to invite by the end of the year, to which the Town of Umag could potentially apply.

Mayor Bassanese pointed out that the Town was continuously implementing the projects aimed at improving living conditions for the entire community. Special attention is paid to energy efficiency of public buildings, so investments were made in the construction of new, as well as comprehensive reconstruction of 8 schools and 9 kindergartens in the Umag area.