Director of the Fund opens the recycling yard in Dugo Selo


The citizens of Dugo Selo can dispose of their sorted waste at the new recycling yard that was opened today in the ceremony attended by Director of the Fund Dubravko Ponoš and the mayor of Dugo Selo Nenad Panijan.

In the newly developed area that is located next to the municipal waste landfill Andrilovec, the citizens will be able to dispose of free of charge, paper, glass, plastics, accumulators and batteries, dyes and paint, clothing, textile, cardboard, wood and metals with hazardous substances, medicines, light bulbs, acids, pesticides, oils and grease, detergents, cooking oil, lubricants and electronic waste in 27 containers. The construction of the recycling yard was financed under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion; Dugo Selo was granted 3 million kuna from the Cohesion Fund, while the remaining amount of approximately half a million kuna has been allocated from the town budget.

In the opening ceremony, the mayor Mr. Panian underlined that their recycling yard was an example for to be followed in the region, thanking everyone who participated in the implementation of the project – the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, line ministries, and contractors. “This object is extremely important because we want to develop the environmental awareness of the citizens and make them aware of the fact that recycling means investing in the future, the future of our youngest citizens”, said the mayor.

Director of the Fund Dubravko Ponoš said that more than 80 contracts for the construction of recycling yards were under way, in total amounting to approximately HRK 283 million, of which some HRK 205 million were secured from EU funds. Around 20 more are in the contracting phase, and it is expected that at least the same number of applications will be submitted. He also referred to the importance of implementation of education activities aimed at the citizens and encouraging them to take up the process of sorting and recycling of waste, from the doorstep to the recycling yard. Mr. Ponoš also said that he expected Dugo Selo to have further ambitious projects in the future.