Educational workshops for the beneficiaries of EU funding


The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund as Intermediate Body level 2 organised consultations for the representatives of the units of local self-government that were granted EU funding for the projects concerning educational and information activities dealing with sustainable waste management, and for the projects of construction of recycling yards. At the workshops, the representatives of the Fund held lectures concerning the procedures, irregularities, and the most common problems in the implementation of projects, and they also replied to the specific questions put forward by the participants in the workshops. 

Grant funding amounting to HRK 47.2 million has been provided under the Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020” for educational and information activities. These resources will be used to finance leaflets, brochures, and posters on the subject of waste prevention and separate waste collection, reuse, and composting. In the promotion eco-campaigns, it will be possible do design and create specialised radio and TV shows dealing with waste management, public discussions for the citizens, and various educational events for children.

In terms of the projects for the construction of recycling yards, HRK 334.5 million of EU grant funding was approved for the projects of construction of recycling yards. Justifiable costs which the beneficiaries can claim include construction works, equipment and supervision, as well as technical assistance and activities related to visibility and promotion of the project itself.