Energy efficient vehicles for the public sector


After the Fund granted 90 million kunas for the purchase of energy efficient vehicles to citizens and companies, the Public Call for the public sector worth HRK 15 million was launched today, for which potential beneficiaries will submit their applications through the Fund’s e-Applications system. 40% of the value of vehicle will be eligible for co-financing, or up to a maximum grant of HRK 400.000. One exception are public institutions managing national parks or nature parks that will be eligible for up to 80% or maximum of HRK 2 million for the, so-called, “tourist vehicles” that are used for transporting passengers and/or cargo within the park.

Funding will be available for electric bicycles schemes, starting with 5 to 15 units, with a HRK 5000  maximum grant for each. Electric vehicles in categories L1 – L7 will be co-financed with up to HRK 20,000, the M1 category plug-in hybrids will be eligible for up to HRK 40,000, and electric- or hydrogen-drive vehicles with up to HRK 70,000. N1 category vehicles will be co-financed with up to HRK 40,000 in the case of plug-in hybrids, or with up to HRK 70,000 if they have electric, CNG, LNG, or hydrogen propulsion. Apart from the listed categories, incentives will also be available for M2, M3, N2 and N3 categories, for all listed propulsion technologies.

Potential applicants to this Call of the Fund include local and regional self-government authorities, state administration bodies, public institutions, public sector companies, budgetary and extra-budgetary users, and other legal entities (except associations) established in the Republic of Croatia that are contracting authorities.
In order to apply for co-financing, the applicants have to register in the Fund’s application system (prijave.fzoeu.hr), enter the basic information and upload the mandatory documentation. Among other things, it has to contain three informative quotes for the purchase of vehicles with the listed specifications. Exceptionally, for tourist vehicles only one quote can be provided. In addition, the applicants have to upload the certificate issued by the Tax Administration that all public dues have been settled, not older than 30 days, signed and certified applicant statements that are published with the text of the Call, and other required documentation depending on the status of the legal person.
Receipt of applications will start on 15 July at 9:00, when the applicants will have to log into the system and officially submit the uploaded documents to the Fund. If their application is evaluated as complete and correct, the beneficiaries will receive the decision and co-financing agreement from the Fund, and then they will have 12 months to go through with the purchase. Any vehicles that are co-financed have to be kept in their ownership for at least two years.
The aim of this programme is to incentivise the purchase of new, energy efficient vehicles and increase their share in the total number of registered vehicles in the Republic of Croatia, thus ensuring and speeding up the transition of our transport system. At the same time, it will contribute to lower maintenance and fuel costs for the owners, and cleaner environment with less exhaust gases and noise pollution.