Energy Renowation Works Completed on Primary School in Virje


“Today is a special day for all of as at school, and energy renovation is the best gift in the important year of marking the 260th anniversary of formal education in Virje. The school has been modernised, it looks as good as new, and I would like to thank everyone who participated in this process. I am sure we can all be satisfied with the results”, said Marica Cik Adaković.

The renovation works comprised the renovation of the overall building envelope, the windows and the roofing were replaced, the heating system was upgraded, and the boiler room was fully reconstructed. Solar collectors used for heating domestic hot water were installed, and the lighting system at the school was fully rebuilt as well.    

The newly renovated school will achieve energy savings at around 80% annually, while the costs for energy generating products will be reduced by 203 thousand kunas. “The call for energy renovation of public buildings will facilitate better working conditions for many schools, and bring about significant savings. This capital can then be used to develop the programmes that will improve the competences and education of your students. I believe that the students, as well as all those employed at the renovated school will be additionally motivated to work even harder in better quality conditions”, pointed out Director of the Fund, Dubravko Ponoš. He praised the cooperation that Municipality Virje and Koprivnica-Križevci County have so far had with the Fund: “I hope that you will similarly invest your knowledge, energy, and efforts in other projects as well, and the Fund will continue helping you in this process“, added Director Ponoš.

Along with the Director of the Fund, principal Cik Adaković and head of Municipality Mirko Perok, Darko Koren, Koprivnica-Križevci County mayor and his deputy Ratimir Ljubić also visited the school.