ESG criteria must become the norm in business


Luka Balen, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, acting as the representative of the ministry of economy and sustainable development, participated in the Future Green Business Conference organised by the International Institute for Climate Action (IICA).  

This year’s conference was dedicated to the corporate and financial sectors, focusing on the discussion on financing projects that will contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and implementation of the ESG criteria in business processes.   

“Many companies have integrated corporate social responsibility principles into their business policies, and the obligatory reporting under the ESG criteria is a follow-up on the best business practice. This is something that must become the norm for all companies,” said in his introductory speech Luka Balen, the director of the Fund. He said that the direction of the Croatian Government was clear and indisputable: “The development of all our economic activities must be based on the implementation of the green policies. The Government is setting up the legislative framework for decarbonisation of the economy and will offer numerous co-financing programmes through different EU funds, or through the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund programmes, which should facilitate and speed up the transition.”  

On behalf of the Croatian Government, the head of the Prime Minister's Office addressed the attendees, also pointing out that the green transition and sustainable development were the priorities of the Government’s policy, and the basis for the development of all sectors of the economy. “Sadly, the world is on the brink of exceeding the 1.5 Celsius global warming mark. Any further warming could be critical for life on Earth as we know it, and this should be prevented through upstream policies to reduce CO2. With this aim, the Croatian Government is making great efforts in adopting the strategies and plans focusing on decarbonisation of the economy and the green transition of the Croatian energy system. The countries that are switching to cleaner energy are in this way ensuring their energy independence and the development of the sustainable economy.”

In her introductory speech, Marija Pujo Tadić, the president of the International Institute for Climate Activities pointed out that the goal of the Institute was to gather in one place the business community, the financial sectors, representatives of the Government, and interested parties with the aim of joining forces in an attempt to raise awareness about establishing a long-term sustainable economy in the Republic of Croatia through the adoption of the already defined environmental, social and governance criteria, and explaining the relevant reasons and ways to finance climate action.

As part of the conference, a panel discussion was held. One of the panellists was deputy director of the Fund, Mirko Budiša, who presented the financing options the Fund will offer during this year and underlined the importance of transforming our economy into a carbon-neutral one.