EU Projects Open Days


This event is part of the wider European Commission campaign entitled “EU in My Region”, aimed at encouraging EU citizens to get informed about numerous projects co-financed from EU funds in their area, which improve the quality of life and contribute to the further development of their local communities.

As part of the “EU Projects Open Days”, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund as Intermediate Body level 2 will present to the public the projects that have contributed to the development of the local communities in the fields such as energy, environmental protection, and many others.

A website has been specially developed so that you can tour this year’s event virtually, in the period from 13 until 22 November 2020.  

You can also participate in live streaming, workshops, lectures, virtual tours, and at the same time educational and entertaining programmes, and by participating you can also win numerous prizes!

All information about the start of the event, and the link to the platform where the event will take place, will be posted on the website Strukturni fondovi, and the social networks (Facebook: Strukturni fondovi and Akademija regionalnoga razvoja, Instagram: Strukturni fondovi).