Even without paper decoration, a gift will fill your heart and imagination!


In order to encourage the citizens to reduce the quantity of waste they produce during the holidays, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has launched an advertising and educational campaign – Even without paper decoration, a gift will fill your heart and imagination (I bez ukrasnog papira dar u srce dira).

The goal of the campaign is to show that holiday magic is possible while at the same time taking care of the environment, simply by reducing the use of wrapping paper. Studies have shown that at this time of the year the quantity of waste increases by some 30 per cent. If we know than an average Croatian citizen produces 432 kg of waste per year, or more than a kilogram per day, it is not hard to calculate that even if we change our habits only slightly, this quantity can be considerably reduced.

Unfortunately, in the average bin more than half the content still includes paper, cardboard, and plastics, which are very simple for sorting. This type of waste is thrown away even more during the holidays, and as consumption increases, so does the purchase of new items in all their packaging glory – be it paper, cardboard or plastic. In order to raise the citizens’ awareness about this problem, we are suggesting to them that during the holidays they should take care not only of their loved ones, but also of the environment.

The aim of this initiative is to invite citizens to try out some alternatives to wrapping, since the traditional decorative wrap cannot be recycled. There are numerous possibilities, and we have shown some of them in short clips on our Facebook profile Za ljepšu našu! (For an even more enchanting Croatia!). From gifting presents in mason jars, which we all have sitting in the back of our pantries, to the Japanese method of gift wrapping in scarfs, organising a gift treasure hunt, or some other creative ideas, this Christmas we should consider the environment as well.

Even when we choose gifts, it is important to consider the environment, and to give advantage to the products that were made from recycled material, and we should think about their reuse creating new one of a kind items.

Along with the short “do it yourself” videos, and the TV and radio clips, the particularity of this campaign are the billboards, which have been left completely bare, no additional paper, displaying only the handwritten campaign slogan. This is just a symbolic way to contribute to using less paper, although it sometimes cannot be avoided.

If you still decide to wrap your gifts, choose recyclable paper, which you put in adequate containers after the gifts are unwrapped. For additional ideas on how to show you wish well not only to your loved ones but the environment as well, visit the Fund’s Facebook profile Za ljepšu našu!, and see for yourself that really, even without paper decoration, a gift will fill your heart and imagination!