Excellent cooperation of the Fund and Vinkovci on energy renovation projects


“Croatia has at disposal almost 500 million euros from the European funds for the programmes of energy renovation of buildings. The main part of this funding has been allocated to energy renovation of kindergartens, schools and other public buildings, and according to the number of contracted projects, the majority are precisely educational institutions. The town authorities of Vinkovci have recognised the benefits of these types of investments, and the renovation of this school is just one of many projects of energy renovation of public buildings being implemented in Vinkovci,” said Director Kukić.

The visit to the school followed the working meeting of the representatives of the Fund with the mayor and his associates, in which they discussed the projects implemented jointly by the Fund and the Town of Vinkovci. The main topics were energy renovation of buildings projects and improving the waste management standard. The director of the Fund informed them about the public calls in the Funds’ area of competence, to which the the Town as local authority, as well as the citizens of Vinkovci could apply. “By the end of the year, through public calls and calls for proposals, the Fund is planning to provide more than 600 million kunas to the citizens, businesses, and units of local self-government. We will soon invite a public call for energy renovation of family houses, we will promote the use of renewable energy sources in households and in public buildings, and we will have a call for the purchase of electric vehicles. After the calls that will be invited in June and July, the Fund is planning to continue with the same dynamics in the autumn.”

The mayor of Vinkovci, Mr. Bosančić, underlined the outstanding cooperation the Town has with the Fund and its professional services. He emphasised that the novel coronavirus epidemic disturbed the works dynamics since the contractors were not able to get all the materials supplied from other countries, but at every moment the Fund was a helpful partner that was willing provide assistance in overcoming this situation in the best possible way.

“We have renovated the buildings of kindergartens Stribor, Pcˇelica and Buduc´nost, and now the works going on in two schools, “Antun Gustav Matosˇ” and “Vladimir Nazor”, the Archives building, and the building “Hrvatski sokol“. We are one of the towns with probably the most energy renovation of public buildings projects at this moment. And since we are nearly finished with the ongoing projects, we would like to continue implementing new ones in the future. We have more schools, public institutions that we would like to renovate; energy efficiency is important not only to have buildings that look nice, but to have buildings that save energy, thus reducing budget costs,” pointed out mayor Bosančić.