Exchange of Croatian and Slovenian experiences in establishing waste management system


Director of the Fund Siniša Kukić and his colleagues had a working meeting with the mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, discussing the European Green Deal policies, primarily those related to waste management, climate change, and sustainable construction.

“The aim is to develop circular economy, which requires profound changes in all segments of the economy. Reducing waste and separate collection of waste, and utilisation of its valuable properties are parts of this circle, on which Croatia is intensively working, and the experience of Ljubljana, boasting the title of the European Green Capital, can certainly help us in that,” said Director Kukić.

Mayor Janković pointed out that Ljubljana has been developing its waste management system since 2008 and that results had not been achieved over night, but are the product of continuous investment in the utility infrastructure and education of the citizens. When the system was first introduced, they were recycling around 29% of the waste, and today around 67% of waste is collected separately. The aim is to reach 75% by 2025.

An important link in the overall waste management system in Ljubljana is the regional centre RCERO where the residual mixed municipal waste, bulk waste and bio-waste from 60 municipalities is disposed of. The construction of RCERO Ljubljana was financed from the European Cohesion Fund with 65%, and it is highlighted as one of the best practice examples in the field of waste management in the Republic of Slovenia. According to the words of Mayor Janković, the construction of the power plant is being prepared and all the necessary permits are being obtained.

The mayor of Ljubljana was interested in hearing about Croatian experiences in energy renovation programmes of public and private buildings, particularly considering that Croatia has withdrawn a substantial amount from EU funds for this purpose.

As part of their trip to Ljubljana, the delegation of the Fund visited RCERO that is located near the town centre, where one third of the overall waste from Slovenia is collected, sorted, treated, and processed.

The technological process of waste treatment is carried out in three phases: mechanical separation of mixed municipal waste and solid fuel preparation, anaerobic fermentation of biodegradable waste, separated from the mixed municipal waste, from which biogas is produces, and separate collection of plant waste for the production of biogas. The main goal of the mechanical-biological waste treatment is to reduce the quantity of landfilled waste, and to separate waste fractions than can be recycled, and plant waste that will be composted.

Director Kukić invited the mayor and his associates to visit the Fund and the Waste Management Centre Kaštijun.