Fund’s good practices recognised in Europe


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Europe programme

The Fund’s good practices in co-financing energy efficiency and renewable energy sources projects have been published in the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform database of good practices.

Policy makers across Europe now have the opportunity to consult with the Fund and request the information related to good practices via the Policy Learning Platform for exchanging experiences.
In the words of one expert from the Platform regarding the Fund’s good practices, the Croatian national support in the implementation of energy efficiency and RES projects is impressive and it stands out regarding the commitment and sweeping approach. The support for energy efficiency measures across the country in the form of grant co-financing prompted the activities in the energy efficiency (EE) sector even though general awareness about it was rather low in the beginning. The important feature of this good practice are campaigns in all types of media that inform about the calls for proposals, with another positive aspect being recurring calls over a certain period. All of this resulted in greater demand for energy performance improvement services and for energy efficiency experts.

More information is available at: https://www.interregeurope.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/plp_uploads/policy_briefs/Skills_for_the_energy_transition_-_Policy_brief.pdf

Here you can find the Fund’s good practices in the  Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform database: https://www.interregeurope.eu/policylearning/good-practices/item/4978/financial-incentives-for-energy-efficiency-and-renewable-energy-sources-projects-in-croatia/

Croatia is participating the Interreg FIRESPOL project together with five partner countries: Spain, Ireland, Germany, Latvia, and Poland. Spain is the FIRESPOL Project Team Leader, while the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund is the implementing authority in Croatia. The project kicked off on 1 June 2018 and it will last for four years. It is based on exchanging experiences through the examples of the best practices in RES projects. The final objective of the project is the development of the Action Plan for implementing in the best possible manner the Financial Instruments in projects dealing with renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Special emphasis is put on elaborating the possibilities to encourage entrepreneurs to invest in the infrastructure for the generation and storage of energy from renewables.