HRK 54 million for electric vehicles and charging stations


The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund continues with promotion of e-mobility in 2020. For this purpose, HRK 54 million has been allocated this year, and the open call for co-financing electric vehicles for legal persons was published today, together with the call for co-financing charging stations. “The companies and units of local self-government will be able to get the total of HRK 22 million for the vehicles, while the total of HRK 10 million has been earmarked for charging stations,” said the director of the Fund, Siniša Kukić. He also announced that on 2 July the public call for the citizens would be published, worth HRK 22 million.  

“These programmes are intended for the promotion of changes in our transport system, because the average age of vehicles driving on our roads is 14 years, with high CO2 emissions. Incentives are here to encourage the citizens and companies considering the purchase of a new vehicle to choose an electric one, which will be more environmentally friendly. Greater numbers of such vehicles on the roads will stimulate the development of infrastructure, which is also co-financed by the Fund,” said Director Kukić.

The Fund will co-finance the vehicles with up to 40% per vehicle, and the maximum incentive depends on the category of the vehicle. For electric vehicles in categories L1-L7 up to HRK 20,000 is available, for the plug-in hybrids up to HRK 40,000, while for electric or hydrogen vehicles up to HRK 70,000 is available. As of this year, electric bicycles will be co-financed only to legal persons that can get up to HRK 5000/bike for 5 – 15 bicycles. They also have available the funding for the vehicles in N1 category, in the case of plug-in hybrids up to HRK 40,000, and up to HRK 70,000 for an electric drive,CNG, LNG or hydrogen engine. With the maximum of HRK 400,000, legal persons can get co-financing for the vehicles falling in categories N2, N3, M2, M3 with an electric “plug-in” hybrid drive, CNG, LNG or hydrogen drive.

While the citizens can get co-financing for only one vehicle, the companies can apply for several vehicles, with the maximum amount of co-financing up to HRK 400,000. Both categories have to keep the purchased vehicle(s) in ownership for at least two years. 

The application procedure is now different inasmuch as both citizens and companies have to apply for co-financing using the e-application system for the Fund’s public calls. First, they have to create and activate a user account, and afterwards they can enter the data in the online application form and upload the required documentation. 

The official submission for legal persons starts on 7 July and for the citizens on 13 July at 9:00. As has been the case so far, the applicants have to get the quote for the vehicle and, as appropriate, the catalogue and/or certificate listing technical characteristics. The citizens will also have to attach a copy of the ID on both sides, while legal persons have to supply additional documentation set out in the Public Call. 

The application procedure is simple and quick, which has been confirmed by more than 3500 vehicles bought by citizens and companies in the previous calls. Apart from electric vehicles and charging stations, in the autumn the Fund will promote more sustainable public transport, with the continuation of the programmes envisaged in the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Croatia.

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