More than 2 200 applications for electric vehicles incentives


In just two days, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fundreceived more than 2 200 applications for the co-financing of electric vehicles. Around 400 applications were handed over at the Fund’s registration office, while the rest were delivered by post.

“The applications we have received so far exceed by several times the available amount of 17 million kunas,” said the director of the Fund, Dubravko Ponoš, pointing out that the Call for the citizens would be closed as of that day at 15:00. “We expect that a number of applications will be arriving by post by the middle of the next week, when we will collectively rank them according to the time the application was handed over, and we will process them in detail. All applications with the complete documentation meeting the requirements of the public call that fall within the allocated budget will be accepted,” explained Ponoš.

The citizens could get up to 40% of the amount for the purchase of eco-vehicles, i.e. from 5 to 80 thousand kunas, depending on the category of the vehicle. The most applications in the last year’s call were for the purchase and co-financing of electric bicycles. “Our goal with this programme is to enable the citizens to opt for more environmentally friendly means of transport, especially in the cities and for shorter routes, which is the reason for including electric bicycles in the incentives scheme,” added the director of the Fund, announcing that the programme of co-financing electric vehicles for the citizens would be followed by a similar programme for companies and units of local self-government.