New recycling yard opens in Buje


This yard will provide the opportunity to dispose of the problematic household waste, electrical and electronic waste, bulk waste, and special categories of waste, as well as proper recovery or disposal, thus preventing the practice so far to throw these types of waste in the solid municipal waste or dump it in the environment creating dumpsites.

At the opening of the recycling yard, the guests were addressed by the mayor, Fabrizio Vižintin, the member of the Board of “6. Maj” d.o.o. Reuf Šerbečić, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Siniša Kukić, and the head of Intermediate Body Level 2 at the Fund, Maja Rajčić.

“Today, the citizens of Buje are getting the new recycling yard worth around 3.3 million kunas, with more than 2.7 million being secured from the European Cohesion Fund. However, in order for the recycling yard and the purchased containers to fulfil their purpose, it is vital to provide good education at all levels and quality infrastructure. Last year, Croatian citizens separated 37% of municipal waste, which was an increase of 6% on the previous year. Although we are moving in the right direction, we want to increase the rate of separate waste collection even more, and to utilise the waste as a valuable resource,” said the Fund’s Director Siniša Kukić at the opening ceremony.

“By having built and equipped the recycling yard, the Town of Buje has provided the infrastructure required for separate waste collection. The yard will be managed by the utility company 6. Maj, with which we had good cooperation during the project implementation,” said mayor Vižintin, adding that the citizens of Buje have been informed about the project and purpose of the recycling yard in workshops, by means of brochures, and information on the Town’s website.

In the first year of operation of the recycling yard, it is expected that overall 120 t of waste will be collected, meaning this quantity of waste will not be landfilled.

The head of Intermediate Body Level 2 at the Fund, Maja Rajčić, concluded that through its professional services and Intermediate Body, the Fund will continue providing both professional and expert support in the future implementation of joint projects.