Prime Minister Plenković presented the measures to help the citizens whose homes were damaged in earthquake


Along with financing the rent for housing the people whose property was damaged in the earthquake, the Government adopted the decision on assistance to those whose houses suffered extensive damage requiring repairs to the roofs, gable ends, chimneys, lifts and similar, or installing new boilers to be able to have a normal functioning life.

“We have anticipated 141 million kunas for this measure. The Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning will provide HRK 100 million that will be available to the citizens for structural repairs of the roofs, gable ends, lifts and chimneys, while the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund will provide HRK 41 million for the purchase of condensing boilers. HRK 12 000 per household will be available for structural repairs, and for the installation of condensing boilers HRK 8000,” said Prime Minister Plenković. He also pointed out that all the ministries were working with the experts to assess the damage caused by the earthquake, to use these data as the basis to request financing from the EU Solidarity Fund.  

Siniša Kukić, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, announced that at the beginning of June the Fund would publish the public call for co-financing the purchase of condensing boilers. The applications will be submitted online, with the terms and conditions of the call soon to be published on the Fund’s website.