Promoting the use of RES in family houses with 11 million kunas in incentives for citizens


After last year the Fund co-financed the purchase and installation of the biomass fired boilers and heat pumps, this year the solar thermal collectors for water heating have been added to the incentives programme along with the aforementioned. 11 million kunas are available and the citizens, depending on where their house is located, can be granted co-financing in the amount of 40%, 60% or 80%, i.e. up to the maximum of HRK 75,000.

With this programme the Fund wishes to enable the citizens to use not only less energy, but locally available resources, such as biomass, geothermal energy, or solar power. In addition to savings, this will also contribute to reducing fossil fuels price dependency.

Parties eligible for co-financing are the owners or co-owners of legalised family houses, and where more than 50 percent of the surface area is used for living, and have no more than 3 apartments or gross construction area of up to 600 square meters.

To apply, the citizens have to compile the entire documentation related to the legality and ownership of the house, place of residence at the address concerned, and agreement from other co-owners. Since the Fund does not want to bear the risk of unprofessionally executed installations, along with the purchase and installation of one or more systems, the Fund will also co-finance the development of the main design and the cost of supervising engineer. The main design is a mandatory component of application, while the engineer’s report is one of the documents based on which the Fund will make payments.

It is essential to estimate the project value as realistically as possible and based on market prices, since the percentage of co-financing that is finally approved cannot be increased. Having regard to last year’s experience, the Fund advises the citizens that after they get the design, they should personally request the offers for the designed systems.

The call will be open until the assets have been used up, or until the end of the year. The Fund is planning to continue promoting the use of renewable energy sources, especially for the citizens, so we can announce the scheme for co-financing small solar power plants in family houses in the last trimester of this year.

Below you can find the text of the: PUBLIC CALL, APPLICATION GUIDE, and the APPLICATION FORM

The Directory of licensed mechanical engineers is available at https://www.hkis.hr/imenici/