Public Call for co-financing energy efficient vehicles


Today, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Fond launched the Public Call for financing energy efficient vehicles, for the citizens and legal persons. HRK 90 million have been earmarked for the call, in which the greatest novelty is the manner of applying, which will, starting from 10 June 2021, go directly through car dealerships.  

45 car dealerships offering 85 car makes and as many as 499 models of vehicles for which a maximum of up to 40% of co-financing of eligible costs can be financed, have responded to the Fund’s call for participation in the co-financing programme. The highest amount of the Fund’s incentive per vehicle depends on the category of vehicle and type of propulsion. For the citizens and legal persons, electric vehicles in the categories L1-L7 will be co-financed with up to HRK 20,000.00, plug-in hybrids in the category M1 with up to HRK 40,000.00, while the purchase of M1 category vehicles with electric drive will be eligible for up to HRK 70,000.00. In addition, legal persons have the option of buying N1 category vehicles that are plug-in hybrids (up to 40,000.00 kunas), or electric drive or CNG, LNG or hydrogen drive vehicles that are eligible for up to HRK 70,000.00. Moreover,  vehicles in the categories N2, N3, M2, M3 with electric, “plug-in” hybrid, CNG, LNG or hydrogen propulsion will be co-financed with up to a maximum of HRK 400,000.00. 
To be able to get the co-financing, interested persons first have to choose the vehicle they want and prepare the documentation. The list of vehicles eligible for co-financing and of the car dealerships is available on the Fund’s website.
After having selected the vehicle, potential beneficiaries have to go to one of the dealerships recorded in the Fund’s database, which will then submit the applications for co-financing on behalf of their buyers. The application process implies entering mandatory data and uploading the required documentation in the app, whereby the relevant amount of incentive is automatically budgeted for the applicant.
Ordinal numbers are assigned to the applications in chronological order, according to the date and time of granting the allocation in the Fund’s online application. Successful allocation of funding will be confirmed by the receipt issued to the buyer by the dealership. The receipt will contain the entered information, No. of application, and the instruction for paying the mandatory minimum down payment, which, depending on the category and price of the vehicle, amounts to 7% of the requested funding. In the cases when the prepayment invoice also includes the deposit that the dealer will require from the buyer, the invoice has to clearly state that part of the amount pertains to the minimum down payment stipulated by the Fund. Please note that the invoice for the mandatory minimum down payment for the purchase of vehicles eligible for incentives cannot be issued before 10 June 2021.
Allocations will be possible as long as the amount of the HRK 90 million budgeted in the app has not been used up, after which the call for the citizens and legal persons will be temporarily closed. On the website vozimoeko.fzoeu.hr you will be able to check in real time the availability of funding, the details about the co-financing programme, the list of all vehicle models eligible for co-financing, and car dealerships where you can make a reservation to buy a vehicle.
The beneficiaries who are granted the incentive will have a period of 9 months to go through with the purchase of the vehicle and to submit the request for payment accompanied by the complete documentation, and which shall start from the moment of their having received the decision on co-financing and the contract for co-financing from the Fund. After co-financing is approved, they can no longer change the vehicle model or make. However, in the case of modification in the trim level, the beneficiaries will have to bear in mind the delivery deadline and CO2 emissions, which in the case of plug-in hybrids can change depending on the options package. The programme for co-financing includes the plug-in hybrid vehicles in the category M1 solely if their CO2 emissions do not exceed 50 g/km; the emission level for the specific vehicle can be checked in the Certificate of Conformity (CoC).
Please note that the co-financing can be obtained only from car dealers and for the vehicles entered on the Fund’s list of vehicles.
By the end of this month, it is expected that the call for beneficiaries in the public sector will be opened with HRK 15 million at their disposal.

More information and the text of the public call is available at:  Co-financing the purchase of energy efficient vehicles│ Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (fzoeu.hr)