Quality waste management on Rab


“We would like to thank the Fund for granting almost 12 million kunas to our projects, which was a great help in organising the waste management system on the island. We have completed the construction of the transfer station, which the Fund co-financed with 80%, we have also completed the recycling yard, and the procedure for closing the landfill Sorinj is in progress, which the Fund is financing with 10%. After last week’s meeting in Zagreb, the good news for the inhabitants of the island are the amendments to the Public Call aimed at helping utility companies on all islands by co-financing the transport of waste, so that instead of just one direction, both directions will be eligible. We also talked about an action on Goli otok, that would be co-financed by the Fund with 60%,” said Mayor Borić.

Director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund Siniša Kukić praised the cooperation with the Town of Rab and Municipality Lopar, which are continually investing in the development of the infrastructure in order to improve the waste management system. “We discussed certain issues of concern to both the Town of Rab and Municipality Lopar, and I believe that we and the representatives of the Fund can better understand the problems faced by the units of local self-government. We have managed to resolve the problem of transporting the waste from the island to the mainland within the legal framework, and I’m positive that our cooperation will be excellent in this programme as well,” said the director of the Fund, Siniša Kukić.

The head of the Environmental Protection Sector at the Fund, Aleksandra Čilić, also praised intensive cooperation with both local self-government units on Rab, and good proposals that had been put forward. The Fund will soon supply the containers for separate waste collection for households, thus improving the utility services for the people living on Rab. 

The Rab deputy mayor, Denis Deželjina, said that in late June this year, the Town of Rab applied to the open call of the Ministry or Environment and Energy for the funding of the sorting plant, which is the 4th phase of landfill remediation. Remediation of the municipal landfill Sorinj is worth around HRK 2 million, and it is the largest project implemented by the Rab administration and the Fund, with the expected completion of the works in February next year.